Sunday, November 25, 2007

Journal #27 Many thanks in Thanksgiving

First at all, I guess that we don’t need to write the journal during the big holiday. However, I am so wrong…. Too sad.

Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in US to give thanks to God at the conclusion of the harvest season. In the end of this year, I would like to give my thanks for my parents, my friends, and myself.

My parents, who support me with their entire heart and love, provide the budget for me pursuing further education. They always are my IRON backup for all the decisions I made. Thank you for giving me so many things not only the money but also the big big love!

My friends, sure, they have been here with me all the time. We laugh, cry, and share the most emotional feelings together. Thank you for bring my life joyful and happiness.

Myself. I worked so hard this year. I did, saw and felt so many things in this year. Thank myself for tasting the sweet and bitter in this year.


leinster said...

Ha, ha. This is the first time I've read someone thank themselves for thanksgiving. Thank you, Natasha.

vicki said...

i also want to thank you for bringing lots of unforgettable memories to me.

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