Sunday, September 30, 2007

Journal #13 Hualian

Hualian is located on the eastern coast of the island of Taiwan, facing the Pacific Ocean on the east and bordering on the Central Mountains which is the backbone of Taiwan. The administrative district of the city is mainly on the alluvial plain of Hualien River and its tributaries Mugua River and Meilun River. Therefore, the whole area is very flat. The famous scenic spots in Hualian are Taroko National Park and the East Coast. In addition, Hualian is called “marble” city because of the rich deposit of marble.

Journal # 14 How to raise the children?

When I was a child, I love the TV series: The Cosby Show. From the show, I got my first impression in US family—free, cheerful and happy. Children can directly express what they want to say and discuss it with the entire family as well as they have their own room and private spaces. Also, they should get responsible for their own choices and earn the money if they want buying something they like. The parents in US treat children as a real adult and that is amazing me a lot. Parents train their children to make their own decision even the hardest one as well as educate their children about how to be critical thinkers.

When I grow up and came to the U.S., I realized that not all American parents are perfect like the TV series and they still have some struggles in raising a child. I personally prefer the way which the US parents foster their child and it really improve children’s responsibility and independence. In my country, Taiwan, grade is everything. The parents push their children persuade higher education also the higher scores but they never think about children’s need and characteristics. The parents sometimes give too much attention in the grade instead of encouraging their children to think. Finally, some of the children in Taiwan do not think critically and too depend on their parents. I am glad that my parents raising me with love and free. I can do whatever I want but their principle is “do right things at right time and be responsible to your choice”.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Journal #12 In the Park

Sunday afternoon, the weather is perfect to wander in the park. The grass is green and damp with dewy. The birds sing the unknown song. Everything seems peaceful and eases. I see three kids playing the ball full of energy and their naïve smile brings me happiness. One boy wears blue shirt and white stubby like the cerulean sky and white cloud, the other boy wears pastel green and pastel pink stripe polo shirt just like the trees and bright flowers, and another girl wears dress with lavender just like angels fall in the earth. They play ball, chasing each other and laugh loudly. The parents sit on the grass and chat with each other. What a wonderful afternoon it is.

Journal #11 Winter

What is my favorite season? Umm I would say summer when I was in Taiwan, because I love the sun burning my skin and swimming like a fish in the ocean. But now, I prefer winter because of the white, silent, and restored wonderland.

I saw snow last winter in U.S. and that was my first time seeing real snow flying from sky to ground, from heaven to Earth. The snow looks as the fur, the feather and the wing of angels. The noisy world suddenly turned off all the voice when the snow comes. The only sounds I can hear was from the snow lightly hit the surface of all units on the earth. The sounds of snow and rain are totally different. The sounds of rain are arbitrary like a bully battering strongly. There are full of tense, stressful and nervous. However, the sounds of snow are delicateness like the cradle song mom singing beside of me. There are full of joyful, peaceful and restful.

Journal #10 Thank you!

Who is the most influenced person in my life? I don’t really know because in the different stages of my short life, there always has someone who affecting me a lot. I remembered the teacher who taught me how to enrich life, the boy who taught me about love, and the friend who taught me how loyalty and honesty are. Every single person I met affect me not only their behavior but their unique characteristics. I saw a clerk who smiled brightly like sunshine offering customers the most kindly service in the coffee shop and I know how to enjoy the job. I saw my friend who did everything to accomplish her dream and I understand that everyone can achieve their dream by persistence and endeavor. However, the most important person in my life who brings me such powerful influence must be my father. My father doesn’t push us a lot. He allows us doing whatever we want to but his principal is having responsibility to ourselves. We need to take all the risk of what we did. He always treats others with his heart and honesty, and never gives up while facing the most difficult situation. He is my hero!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Journal #9 The most powerful weapon--- ExGirlfriend

First, I know this journal supposed be posted last week, and I cannot get any score on it. However, I really want to write down something really interesting and amazing opinion from me and my sister. (So.. Mrs. Russell, If there is a free journal this week, Can I waive the journal???? Please~~~)

Last week, my sister and I just gossip one of our friends. He (or just call him “Mr. B”) had a girlfriend 2 years ago and this girl (Ms. ?) really hurt him so much. Mr. B works in U.S. but Ms. ? works in Taiwan so that they don’t have much time to get together. As the result, Ms. ? has fair with other guys in Taiwan, but Mr. B doesn’t know that. One day, Ms. ? came to U.S. visiting Mr. B and she used his computer chatting with the guy who has fair with her in MSN during Mr. B took the shower. Unfortunately, Mr. B is good in computer (his major is computer science and girls, don’t do the same thing if your boyfriend good in computer!) and catch her tail. However, he decided forgiving her at that time. I mean at that time because the same situation happened 3 times. “3 times” That’s amazing, right? Mr. B somehow can’t accept her faithless and then they broke out. That’s the end of the story? Of course NOT! Ms. ? still has good connection with Mr. B and ask favors from him when she needs. Mr. B always do everything for her whatever she asked. The same situation happens every where and Mr. B isn’t the only guy who can’t refuse exgirlfriend’s request, also, this situation really makes a lot of trouble between couples. How will you do if you find EXgirlfriend calling your boyfriend and asking for favor?? For my, maybe I will feel upset about that and question my boyfriend and maybe I will kill the girl, HA, that’s human nature. How about you, my dear classmates?? Leave me commends!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Journal # 8 Too Young To Remember

When I saw this topic, I spend almost 20 minutes trying to recall my memory from long time ago. Finally, I got the memory back. Otherwise I might leave this journal become a blank one.

September 11, 2001, 10pm. It was a normal day. I waked up, ate something for dinner and prepared for going to work. I turned on the TV, and saw the plane flying through the buildings. “What’s that?” I asked my sister and mom. “The terrorists attack U.S. They really have guts to do that, I thought, and the U.S government will take vengeance for it. I went to work as usual and my colleague said that the world war 3 might begin because U.S. had under attacked. At that time, I had realized that Taiwan may in a very dangerous situation (I always response slowly than others). Mainland China might attack us in this period of time because our protector-U.S. couldn’t help us. I called my mother and told her my concerns but she did not take it serious. Then, I called my father who worked in mainland China and told him my concerns and he promised me that if he heard something weird he would call me as soon as possible. Finally I felt much better however there still some darkness part in my mind. I still worry about the war coming and the world situation so I turn on the TV all the time, even I was in the hospital, I also turn on the radio to get the newest information.

Thank God the war doesn’t come and Taiwan is still Taiwan. According to this tragedy, I know that all things happen in the world will affect our life even it happened far away.

Journal #7 Other Way to RunAway

I saw dead people at work place all the time. I was a nurse (or you can say “used to be”, ha) before, so I thought this is a normal process in all creatures in the world. People die because of the illness, getting older or the accident. For me, I can’t bear with people dead accidentally because it is too sad for me for the unexpected death. However, my aunt who died unexpected and I feel sad about her lost.

My aunt was a traditional woman who had 6 children, 5 girls and 1 boy, and had a husband without any responsibility. She did everything she can do to earn the money paying for daily life expense but her husband always kept drinking. However, my aunt never complained and she always thought that her husband was too young and might get change someday. I remember that day when the bad news came. It was a cloudy day. The telephone was ringing sharply, not like the usual sound. My mom picked up the phone and started crying. I was just 7 or 8 years old, and never saw my mom crying. She hung out the phone sadly and talked to my pa. My parents then took us to the hospital. When we arrived hospital, my aunt is on critical and then passes away soon. My aunt killed herself with poison when she knew her husband betrayed her.

Since today, I still feel sad but that maybe the other way she can escape from such situation. I think.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Journal #6 Right Time or Right Decision?

I personally don’t think there is a right age for marriage. It depends on the people, different circumstances and what relationship they have. The age seems the least important thing in getting married. Some of the couples married in their early 20’s and still have wonderful marriage. However, some of the couples married in 30’s even older but they are finally divorced.

From my point of view, to get married needs three reasons. First, you love him/her and He/she loves you. Second, you are getting ready for the new relationship with contrast, and third, you have guts, then, you two can get married! Congratulations!

Journal #5 Conquer the Fear

My life was changed since my first day came here. For me, came to the United States not only broaden my horizon but learn a lot of things during this period of time. Everyday I wake up with pleasure and exciting because I know all the things are brand new and need to adjust myself to fit into this new land. How they communicate to others? How they eat? What is the popularity here? I am just like an eager baby try to expend her hand to touch, to feel all the new things coming to her. However, sometimes I feel frustrating and disappointed especially when I faced the problem that I can’t deal with. I remember that last year, I need to call the wireless company to figure out how to connect to the internet. I was new here and my English wasn’t good, so I spent 30 minutes explaining my problem and finally the person who talked to me said that “Miss, can you find somebody who can speak English to talk to me?” I was so upset and want to go home. I was useless here and I can’t do the small thing even just made a phone call. However, past is past. I conquered my fear and stayed here for almost 1 year. I changed my views in this period of time and felt brave enough to face all new challenge. I thought that are the rewards that U.S gave me.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Journal #4 Blue Monday Blue (beware! this article contains inappropriate words and gray feelings)

Monday morning, six o’clock. I wake up with severe headache. “sh#t, I shouldn’t drink too much!” I murmured. I opened the window. It was a heavy rain outside. I remembered that one day, in English class, Stephen said that if we want to describe the heavy rain, we can use “rain cats and dogs.” And I don’t know why it’s so complicated. Could we just say the big rain, the huge rain or something else? I went to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. “Why should I go to work in this @#$ heavy rain and my brain is going to explode” I muttered. After I washed up, I took some Aspirin and hoped the hammer can stop hitting my head.

How can I forget the very first time when I heard the term “blue Monday.” It really describe how I feel right now precisely. Usually, I feel bad since Sunday morning and end at Tuesday night. It’s quite a long period of time, right? At Tuesday night, I just realize that the holiday is gone, is dead, and is disappeared. I will work hard on Wednesday and Thursday, and then on Friday, I am exciting about the coming holiday, and than it’s Saturday, Sunday. Finally, it’s Monday again. “Just like a big big circle.” I thought. “And it never ended.” I can’t stop thinking the vicious circle in this time and it’s really bothered me. “Can I do something to stop the vicious circle?” I looked myself in the mirror and ask again and again. Suddenly, something appeared behind me. I looked at the mirror carefully, it is a girl who has a pale face and long black hair and she approached me quietly. My heart was pounding, my breath got rapid, and my body was shakied. Is that true? Or is just my imagination? Or I am so sleepy? Suddenly, the girl talked to me. “Hey, are you done? It’s my turn.” And the girl is my sister.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Journal #3 What the weekend!

I am so happy about the free journal! Sometimes it’s hard to answer the complicated questions.

This week was our first week, and I already felt the stress. In Friday, I listed all things and homework in my note book and it’s HUGE!! As usual, I arranged all the things during the 3-day long weekend, and finally, as usual, I failed. Ha!Ha!

On Saturday, I supposed that I finished my second journal and started the third one but I didn’t. On Sunday, I supposed that I accomplished the third journal and began the other homework but I didn’t. On Monday, mnnnnn… I should concentrate my all focus on the homework!! HA!!

This long weekend, the weather is too hot and the air conditioner did not well function, so my sister and I decided to go to my friend’s house near the Marina del Rey beach. The temperature there was so wonderful. We went to beach, enjoyed the sun and soaked in the sea all the afternoon. It was amazing! I forgot all the homework and stress when I lay on the beautiful sandy beach with blue sky and cool wind. We also went to the great Vietnam restaurant and had great Pho!

In the end of the weekend, I realized that the summer was over and the busy fall was coming. That means I have a lot of challenges to fight and have no time to waste! GOGOGO!!

Journal #2 Be brave to be a writer!

The meanings of Didion and Ellis’s words are the same- we don’t think that our thoughts, life, even ourselves are as important as others, so we fear to exposure our feelings as a writer.

We write down something important to us, and just for us, not for somebody else. The boy next door who teasing you, the very first kiss, and even the small yellow flowers beside walkway. Maybe the trivia things did make any sense for others, but it all my unique memory and it all belong to me. I agree with what Vanessa said- writing is more powerful than speaking. It’s meaningful when you write down a little note and put it under the coffee cup than you just say “I love you” to your love. The meaning of writing not only to remember, to feel, but to express your truly mind.