Sunday, September 23, 2007

Journal #11 Winter

What is my favorite season? Umm I would say summer when I was in Taiwan, because I love the sun burning my skin and swimming like a fish in the ocean. But now, I prefer winter because of the white, silent, and restored wonderland.

I saw snow last winter in U.S. and that was my first time seeing real snow flying from sky to ground, from heaven to Earth. The snow looks as the fur, the feather and the wing of angels. The noisy world suddenly turned off all the voice when the snow comes. The only sounds I can hear was from the snow lightly hit the surface of all units on the earth. The sounds of snow and rain are totally different. The sounds of rain are arbitrary like a bully battering strongly. There are full of tense, stressful and nervous. However, the sounds of snow are delicateness like the cradle song mom singing beside of me. There are full of joyful, peaceful and restful.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Great description of winter.